Monday, April 25, 2016

24APRIL2016 @ Billings, MT

Midnight found me in Billings switching busses.  As we motored west I was aware that we stopped at Livingston and Belgrade ... then the "BUTTE" announcement woke me completely.  At 534AM I entered the Butte bus depot, positioned my red forest-fighter backpack behind a chair and started hoofing down Harrison Avenue.  At interstate 15/90 I met a gentleman who took me to Boulder and a "Children's Home" couple carried me to Helena.  By 930AM I was enjoying the company and coffee of Steve ... a super friend.  He and I went to Jim's, grabbed a ladder and got me in the house.  I had not carried a key and Felomina was in South Carolina, so the ladder was the house key and worked well ... just slide in a second floor window - so easy to say.  At 8PM I met the bus (the one that I was ticketed to ride), gathered my backpack and was home.  House heat, no wind and my own bed meant that I barely saw 9PM. 

1 comment:

  1. hey man do you happen to have your ticket stub from 2015 acc championship?
